Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Candy Nguyen 'My Cultural Informant'

           I was kind of weird of me that to keep choosing ‘dry’ topic. I am a communist country. So I am very exciting to hear any issues and thinking of democracy countries. From the big incident in 2010, Bp oil spill affect Southern Americans’ life. I have perspective of life, I am really want t know what people around the world think about this incident. So I interviewed my tutor Keaton who is from Florida and my boyfriend Ian who is from Taiwan.
From two different continents, Keaton and Ian were both come up with the same idea how a democracy country suppose to responsible for disasters or accidents within the country. They were also thinking that money cannot solve everything during hard time. It was just a tool for human to improve and prevent mistake happen again.
Human being is living together as a society and community. Our manners and morals build up culture and heritage. Cultures reminded us our mistakes and inventions in human history.
Just as the Tiv in Return to Laughter, Bohannon experienced the relationship bonded between them. They live and depend on each others. One cannot live without another, one cannot success if he or she does not have friends or age mates. These elements are part of culture, part of human being.

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