Monday, September 24, 2012

Juliana's Vanitas Project

You may think it is easy to describe a person, until you have to describe yourself. Now try to represent yourself with three different objects, each one telling a little about yourself, your history and what you are made of. This is what the “Vanitas Project” was about: I had to choose three different objects and take three pictures, each focusing on one of the belongings.

Apart from all the fun I had with my super-creative imagination and the pictures themselves, placing the objects, choosing the effects and showing the masterpieces to everyone I talked to, I have to admit this project was very challenging. It was really hard to decide which objects would better represent me, because, even though sometimes a picture tells more than a thousand words, it is still difficult to describe yourself in three shots. Therefore, I decided to put in the picture some things I truly love and what represents my present life, the things that can show what I am living now, although all of them are, and surely shall remain, timeless.

The first object I chose was the pair of rings me and my boyfriend, Fellipe, wear. They are not engagement rings, not even jewel, but certainly they are worth more than any diamond. It is not just the history behind them, or our history itself. They also represent the big change and choice of a lifetime. Fellipe and I exchanged the rings the first time I came here to stay with him, the time when we decided that I should move to New Orleans. I have never had a change like that in my life, nor needed to decide something of that importance. In conclusion, the rings represent our entire relationship, which clearly has a huge and happy meaning in my life nowadays and, for that, they could not be out of my Vanitas Project.

The second object chosen by me was a picture of my two nieces, Helena and Ariane. After their birth, our family was changed. Without even knowing what they were doing, they joined us more than we already were and they also made me discover a new and stronger kind of love. Hence, due to their importance in our family, their picture symbolizes my kin as a whole. However, it is important to notice that the photograph was shown in a cell phone, which was on purpose, because the mobile also represented my distance and the way I communicate with my family and, of course, Helena and Ariane. No one can deny the importance that family has in our lives, especially when one has two beloved cute little nieces, and for this reason I chose the picture as my second object.

Finally, I decided that my third object would be a book. Several books, actually, because I really love to read. In fact, reading is the first answer that comes in mind when someone asks me what I like to do most. I believe that while reading a book you can travel to another city, another country, even another time in the past; however, the best thing about reading a book, in my opinion, is that you can actually create an identity with the characters and live the story for yourself. I cannot imagine how many books I have read, for they have been part of my live since I was a teenager, but I can assure that the type of reading I like the most is the one that comes in series. Another style of books I really love is the girly novels printed in these pocket books. I even love the smell of the paper in pocket books! Therefore, because reading is a part of my life from as far as I can remember, the books were my third and final choice of objects in this assignment.

I gave a lot of thought to the Vanitas Project and, as a result, I came with the three objects listed above. A pair of rings, the picture of my nieces in a cell phone and the books. Those three objects are a good representation of my life nowadays and I can also state that those belongings, together with the assignment, made me realize that, for me, what matters the most, is love. The love for my boyfriend, for my family and the love for reading. Therefore, the Vanitas Project was not just challenging or fun, it was also a lesson of how love can be represented in various forms, how it can define someone and, especially in my case, how can be used to represent a person.

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