Monday, September 17, 2012

Cajun armadillo!

Hey y'all!

As a good nerd, I am writing abou the Cajun Welcome we had last week for extra points :-)

Actually, when I arrived at the place, it was almost over, but I got to see the most interesting thing: an armadillo. In Brazil we call them "tatu" (I could do the IPA, but I won't even try to find the symbols to write it down!).

I really think the poor animal was scared as hell, he kept trying to dig a hole, poor thing. He came from Audubon Zoo and, according to the woman taking care of it, in there the armadillo has a much nicer place to live!

A really funny thing is that armadillos has a looooot of hair, like the ones ir our arms! I also put my hand on it and it's not as hard as it seems, but not even close to being soft!

So, that was my Cajun experience. Not Jambalaia food, not dancing... but the armadillo:

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