Monday, September 24, 2012

Vanitas Project _ Hebe Gurdian

Even if life is not about material things there are many objects that can represent each person’s personality.

In my case, I selected for this project three objects that can represent different aspects of my life. One of them, my computer, represents a physical object, a possession that I always have with me and that has been very important for my professional life. The second object, the flag of my country, Nicaragua, was chosen because it’s something intangible that represents me around the world; it’s where I come from, my beliefs and my culture. And the third object, my party supplies, defines me as a very outgoing person who likes to enjoy every day of life.

First object: my computer.

My computer doesn’t define me, but has been my best friend for the last 6 years, while I was getting my architecture degree. I used to spend long weeks working without sleeping, watching the sunset and sunrise with no one else than she: my laptop. Also, all the time that I’ve spent working or living is saved here: academic papers, designs, pictures, videos, documents and memories. I don’t like to say that I’m addicted to my computer, but I don’t have other choice for working or studying in architecture. A computer is essential for this profession, not only for rendering or drawing, but for finishing projects with high quality on time.

Second object: my flag.

As we, Nicaraguan citizens, say “I’m very proud to be Nica”! I couldn’t have been born in a different place; Nicaragua is a country that represents me, a place that I really love. No matter where I am, I always miss my land, my people and our culture. Growing up in a small country has a lot of advantages, for example, we are very close to our family and friends, people know each other pretty well and we share the same traditions. Two of my favorites are Nicaraguan food and our popular celebrations. Growing up in an underdeveloped country has made me tougher about certain things, for example, that life is more than material things, that with our help many things can be achieved and that the experience of watching and experiencing nature is priceless!

Third object: my party supplies.

Despite the fact that I could only bring a few things in my luggage I couldn’t leave my black ankle shoes! They are not a big deal, actually they're very cheap! But they have funny and lovely stories behind them that have an emotional meaning. They remind me about the best months of my life that spent with my best friend: my boyfriend. Those months represent a before and after in my life and, unconsciously, those shoes accompanied me during many special moments that I will never forget.

It was hard for me to find the three things for this assignment because I don’t have any of my valued objects in New Orleans, but then I saw the shoes in my closet and I knew at that moment that they were going to be part of this project. Besides, heels are always associated with party, and yes, that’s another reason why I chose them: I love to party and spend good times, it's part of my philosophy about life, and those shoes make me feel so comfortable when I’m wearing them! (It’s kind of funny but it’s true).

It’s part of my personality to be a very outgoing person who likes to hang out and have fun, especially with my good friends. The way that I enjoy life is probably very different from what other people do but I like to spend everyday of my life as if it were the last. I wanted to represent with the beads that I love to have fun and have a great time, not only at parties but everywhere. I always try to enjoy every moment and, in this part, my friends and my boyfriend are very important because they make me feel so happy! We are always having a blast, making jokes and laughing. This is part of who I am and the way that I like to be.

In summary, I chose three things that are not only part of my every day life, but also have a deeper meaning for me. Those three things represent somehow who I am and some of the moments that I've lived that have influenced important aspects of my life. It doesn’t mean that only those three things are part of my person, this project is only a small piece of me ;) .

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